Revised Customer process die casting deflashing

diecasting deflashing

Customised, cost-effective and precise deburring with liquid nitrogen


Cryogenic deburring is a process which involves freezing of the cast parts to a predefined range of below-zero temperatures by means of liquid nitrogen. The temperature is set according to the specific requirements of the parts on hand. The process extracts sensible heat from the castings, leading to embrittlement of the excess material flown out during the casting process. The cast part proper freezes only superficially, i.e. down to the root of the burr. The core of the casting is less affected by the low temperature and therefore retains its elasticity. When the cast parts are in this state of embrittlement induced by freezing, they are subjected to the blasting treatment. The treatment can be targeted on specific spots of the part or the entire part can be treated. Polycarbonatic material is used as blasting medium. Depending on the specific application and the requirements, different geometries and grain sizes from 0.15 to 2.0 mm are used.

Revised Application technology die casting deflashing

Cryogenic deburring of non ferrous die castings

Customised, cost-effective and precise with liquid nitrogen

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